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for the experience

Country of Goddesses


Experimental / Music video / Poetic narrative / Social commentary / Self-Produced / 2021 / Calcutta, India
MY ROLE : Director, Cinematographer & Creative Producer

of the film

A reflection on the hypocrisy of idol work-ship in India, Country of Goddesses is an experimental film questioning the “fine line” between divinity and disrespect through a very personal and poetic narration.

the project

Durga Puja is an annual festival celebrated most notably in Kolkata, in West Bengal of India. It marks the ten-day worship of the Hindu mother-goddess Durga. In the months preceding the festival, small artisanal workshops sculpt images of Durga and her family using unfired clay pulled from the Ganga River. Through the narration in the film, alongside visuals that interact with this prominent festival, this film uncovers the unheard pleas of the women of India.

Artist's NOte

Uncovering the layered facets of the people and practices that are embedded in the world around us, I strive to represent voices through impactful visuals that film as a medium grants us. If you have a story, let's explore the power of films together!

Open for
Collaborative &
Freelance Work 

Bts &

This film entirely unplanned. I was initially overcome by the grandeur of the Durga puja festivities but then understood the harsh reality of how the worshipping of women is such a hypocritical act in India.

Bts &

This is some text inside.
And there are other things to say here link how the project was and so on and so forth.This is some text inside of a div blok. And there are other things to say here link how the project was and so on and so forth.

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  • Lorem ipsum
  • Turpis egestas sed
  • Porta nibh venenatis cras

Ready to rock

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Turpis egestas sed tempus urna. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis.

  • Lorem ipsum
  • Turpis egestas sed
  • Porta nibh venenatis cras


Director, Creative Producer, Cinematographer, Colorist- Raghavi Agarwal

Music-Aditi Ramesh

Editor- Abhineet  Dang Model- Tanya Mahendra

Sound Designer- Sundar Das T

Song Recorder & Mixer- Keenan Thomas

Song Mastering-Thomas Juth

Voice-Over Artist- Srishti Tehri

Special Contributors- Saumya Tiwari, Vishakha Singh, Shikhar Virmani



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