Rotate your devise
for the experience



Experimental / Music video / Water and Rum / Fantastical / Indie pop / 2020 / Mumbai, India
MY ROLE : Director, Cinematographer & Creative Producer

of the film

"'Dreamy" is the one-word brief I had gotten from Tanya and Ramya (the angelic duo, Water and Rum) for Sticky. Emersed in the arms of nature and femininity, I tried capturing visuals that felt like a day dream.

the project

Mumbai-based musicians Ramya Pothuri and Tanya Shah, who found each other in music school, make the duo Water and Rum. Finding their sound in tinges of friendship, the solidarity of sisterhood strengthens their tunes.

Artist's NOte

Amalgamating my affinity for music and filmmaking, this blend is one where my creativity and experimentation knows no bounds. Send me your new EP already!

Open for
Collaborative &
Freelance Work 

Bts &

Aired on : VH1, Grew up watching, First music video. A crew of , the two musicians and myself. Exploring projection mapping in filmmaking for the first time.

Bts &

This is some text inside.
And there are other things to say here link how the project was and so on and so forth.This is some text inside of a div blok. And there are other things to say here link how the project was and so on and so forth.

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  • Turpis egestas sed
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Ready to rock

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  • Lorem ipsum
  • Turpis egestas sed
  • Porta nibh venenatis cras


Director, Cinematographer and Creative Producer- Raghavi Agarwal

Artsists In-Frame and Music Composers- Tanya Shah and Ramya Pothuri

Music Producer- Ramya Pothuri and Ayan De

Music Mixer- Ayan De

Editor- Aniket Sharma

Projection Mapping- Yash Chandak

Colour Grading and Sound Design- Raghavi Agarwal



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