Rotate your devise
for the experience

Like Mother Like Son


Commercial / International Shoot / Provou Productions, Greece / Silent Narrative / Awareness Campaign / 2019 / Athens, Greece
MY ROLE : Director & Cinematographer

of the film

Celebrating World No Tobacco Day, this film is a satirical take on how integral it is as a parent to make a choice you're proud of.

the project

World No Tobacco Day is a commemoration to start a conversation about the grave impact of smoking.

Artist's NOte

Blending a creative narrative with an impactful call to action messaging is an exciting and personalised way to make a change. Send me your ideas and stories and let's make a change in the world!

Open for
Collaborative &
Freelance Work 

Bts &

From storyboarding each frame to character styling, camera techniques, color pallet and storytelling, independently brewed, working for Provou Productions in Greece.

Bts &

This is some text inside.
And there are other things to say here link how the project was and so on and so forth.This is some text inside of a div blok. And there are other things to say here link how the project was and so on and so forth.

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  • Lorem ipsum
  • Turpis egestas sed
  • Porta nibh venenatis cras

Ready to rock

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Turpis egestas sed tempus urna. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis.

  • Lorem ipsum
  • Turpis egestas sed
  • Porta nibh venenatis cras


Director and Cinematographer- Raghavi Agarwal

Production House- Provou Productions

Producer- Aspasia Provou

Editor- Elena Palla

Art Director- Nidhi Arya

Music- Purple Planet



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